Syntec index for June 2021 published

The Syntec index (base 100 in 1961) for June 2021 was published on July 30, 2021.

The value of the Syntec index for June 2021 is 275.7 for 274.9 in June 2020, an annual increase of +0.29% over 12 sliding months. The June index is up 0.15% from the previous month (275.3 in May 2021).

Table of changes in the Syntec index for June 2021


June 2021 Syntec Index

May 2021 Syntec Index

June 2020 Syntec Index

Syntec index value




Change in % from the base Up 0.15% Up 0.29%

Official source: Syntec Federation (not INSEE)

Our Syntec Index 2021 table has been updated here: Syntec Index 2021.

Official Syntec Index
Publication on July 30 of the Syntec index for June

The Syntec index reflects the evolution of salary costs (mainly intellectual services) of companies in the professional branches of the Syntec Federation:

  • Syntec Informatique,
  • Syntec Ingénierie,
  • Groupement Syntec des Syndicats d’Études et de Conseil.

It is mainly used to update the financial clauses of engineering, contracted personnel, maintenance, and IT contracts. Its value is calculated each month based on a survey of representative companies.

The Ministry of the Economic and Finance in France has recognized the Syntec index since May 11, 1974.

Syntec index update

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Specialist in finance and taxation from my professional activity and university formation, I share my knowledge and experience on the Juristique website. I regularly publish economic indexes such as SYNTEC index, BT01, ILAT, construction and rent reference indexes, and banking tools like SWIFT Codes or CNAPS Codes for international wire transfers.

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